You Can't Judge a Party By Its' Software, Or Can You? has an interesting rundown of the use of technology by this year's Presidential candidates. Interesting. Very interesting indeed. A few people pointed this out a while back, but it's good that the mainstream media picked up on the current incarnations of politics and technology.


  • Thanks for the link, Keith. I figured it was you, but I dodn't have time to search through your blog for the post.

  • "Isn't that interesting. I've always noted that the Microsoft v. Linux wars are almost the same as Republican/Democrat wars. Now I have some proof to back that up."

    Proof? Almost the same? Only because it fits your world view. Generalisms like this aren't particularly helpful, I don't think.

  • Johnny, I said "almost the same". It's not a generalization, its a distinct parallelism. They are similar in many ways. Both Keith and CNET pointed that out. You can interpret the facts however you want, but facts are facts. And the fact is, not a single Democratic candidate used Microsoft technologies, they all went open source.

  • MS donates an equal amount of money to both parties at every election if I'm not mistaken.

  • Facts are one thing. Interpretation is another.

    I see where you're going with it (obviously) but I don't think I necessary want to follow you down that road.

  • Where am I going, exactly?

  • Actually, now I think about it, I'm actually *not* sure what your point is.

    Which was kind of my original point. Kinda of ;)

  • My point is that's conclusions are interesting. I didn't say really say how I felt about it, except so say that it's... interesting.

  • Fair enough.

    Because you compared Microsoft to the Republicans and Linux to the Democrats with this...

    "Microsoft v. Linux wars are almost the same as Republican/Democrat wars"

    ... I made some assumptions.

    And you're right, it is interesting. But I don't really think it's significant. But who knows...

    (Really, I just don't like the association, being both a Microsoft developer and a left-leaning European) ;)

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