Running Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP Service Pack 2

I came across this problem while I was beta testing the XP SP2 release candidates. Every build starting with RC2 and later would not let me reinstall WMP10. It was very frustrating. Well, tonight I came across a solution in the WMP10 Beta Newsgroups. It involves removing specific keys from the registry. The problem is, those keys may vary by name, so a simple registry script will not work. So I whipped up a simple command-line program that will cycle through the proper Registry key, and delete all its subkeys.

PLEASE NOTE: This problem only exists for Windows XP Service Pack 2 - Build 2142 and later. Running this program on the Service Pack 2 RTM without having installed previous builds should not cause a problem. That being said, there are no warranties, express or implied, associated with this utility. It is provided as-is. Use at your own risk.

Download WMP10-SP2fix.exe.



  • thanks for this. Heard lots about the probs with wmp10 uninstall/reinstall. Haven't had to do it yet myself but I'll file this away.


    ps. left clicking on your link runs the program. I had to right click and "save target as.." to actually download. fyi

  • Thanks a lot! I've been trying to figure out how to get MP10 to work after I installed SP2 yesterday.

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