.NET 1.1 By Default on Windows XP SP2?

I recently wiped my system and installed a clean copy of Windows XP with Service Pace 2 slipstreamed into the install. I didn't get the chance to check this after the install was done, but there is a DOTNETFX folder in the root of the CD. It's in the SP2 CD that MSDN just shipped me as well. Which leads me to ask the question...

Is the .NET Framework 1.1 installed by default in Windows XP Service Pack 2?

If it is, the ramifications are huge. Suddenly, the Framework is running on millions of desktops by default. Makes life a lot easier for a lot of people. And a lot harder for others (Sysadmins). Interesting. Can anyone answer this for me?


  • No, it isn't. MS might have a copy of it on SP2 CDs, and maybe on slipstreamed CDs as well. But you won't get it by updating via Windows Update or downloading the network install.

  • It's not installed either when installing a clean Windows from a slipstreamed CD.

    I actually wondered why it wasn't being done since it's already a part of the cd, and honestly, 20 more megs for such a huge package such as SP2 would hardly be noticeable (except maybe for those on dial-up). I guess they're not taking any chances with more lawsuits and problems with the EU :/

  • Nope - it doesn't get installed. It's one of the options under "Perform Additional Tasks" on the autorun window.

    I think it only gets installed by default on the Media Center edition of XP (not sure about Tablet).

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