• So, make your team foundation server an AD DC. If you are small enough to not have an Active Directory, then you are small enough to run your DC and Team Foundation Server on the same system.

  • (First: the flickering annoying add at the left of this blog almost stopped me from reading any further, very annoying)

    In one way I can see why: it solves the problem of credentials. Versioning systems have a problem that they need credentials for every user to be able to work with the sourcecode. You can only use already known users if you can hook into the domain the users are in.

    I'm no windows domain expert, so I'm not sure if it's easy to check from a normal server if a user is in a domain and what his credentials are (I think htey want to manage it from AD, as it is targeted at LARGE companies, think 100's of developers). If it is, then it is weird that they require a DC.

    Jerry: if you're small enough not to have an AD, you're too small for TS and you're better of with systems like Vault or subversion (free)

  • Had to put that jab in there, didn't you Frans? Couldn't just be civil. I think you'd find any excuse to take a potshot at me. Obviously my first concern was whether or not my Products rotator annoyed you.

  • Oh ok. Cool. Thanks Rob.

  • "Had to put that jab in there, didn't you Frans? Couldn't just be civil. I think you'd find any excuse to take a potshot at me. Obviously my first concern was whether or not my Products rotator annoyed you."

    Sorry mate, I just wanted to mention that it was annoying. I didn't know it was illustrating a product you sold. It was right at the left of the textbox flickering next to what I was typing, so it's distracting a lot.

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