Workspaces Tips and Tricks

Jason Alexander posted about a source control bindings issue. Good news. You don't have to rebuild the project. I'm going to give you a walkthrough on how to rebind, and I'll give you a few other nifty tips as well.

  1. History: GDN maintains a history of the versions of the code that you check in. (Until 5 minutes ago, I did not know this). Open the current version, and then go to “File | Source Control | History“ and you'll get a list of all your checkins for that file. Nifty.
  2. Bindings: Sometimes, weird flukes mess with your project bindings. This is actually super easy to fix. Go to “ File | Source Control | Change Source Control“. You'll get a list of solutions and their server bindings. The graphic is below:

    Clicking the "Browse" button brings up the Workspaces Source Control browser to select the project to use. You won't have to rebuild the project :).
  3. Projects: ALWAYS open the solution from your local hard drive after the first time you open it from source control. Brady would always open from source control, and then get really pissed when he had to reselect the local IIS copy for his web project every time. SC makes you select where you're going to store your solution file locally... open it from there on subsequent uses.

I'll have more tips as time goes on. Hope this helps Jason.

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