The Growing Scourge of Global Irrelevance
While I have been using this blog to comment more on world events than .NET development, I promise I'll start talking more about coding in the near future.
The Not-So-United Nations
This morning, I want to make one
political statement. Yesterday, I read on MSN that one of the countries on the
UN Security Council said that the goal of the UN was to "avoid the plague of war
at all costs." I find it kind
of ironic that the US is at the spearhead of the war campaign, but
not unusual. Of all people, Americans know that sometimes there are things that are worth fighting for.
At this point, the UN has become so unwilling to wage a necessary war that they've lost credibility
and authority as a world body. It amazes me how these former world
powers can suddenly lack the balls to act when necessary. To quote Dennis Miller on
Donahue, "Why did we go through all the effort to walk upright if
we're just going to be spineless?" I thinks it's not so much a matter of
spinelessness as impotence. They're so paralyzed by the fear of premature ejaculation that they can't
even get it up when they need to. [How's THAT for a metaphor? ;)
On North Korea
Am I the only one here that sees history
repeating itself? This sure seems to be to be a repeat of Japan before WWII. I
don't understand where they have the right to say that we're in breach of
anything. They're the ones that screwed up, and when we followed the terms of
the accord that they agreed to, they give us the finger. NK's gov't is on the
verge of collapse, and that is the only reason why they're doing this.
On Dubbya
George W. Bush is probably one of the greatest leaders
in modern history. Not because he himself is a strategic genius, but because
he has surrounded himself with the best people who pick up the slack where
his strengths lack. Everyone questioned why he labeled the "Axis of Evil" last
year, and now all three countries are emerging as pursuing WMD, with NK posessing
a missile that could reach as far as my home state, Arizona. You wanted
to know why we were so aggressively pursuing a missile defense system? Well now
you know.
On All The Naysayers
There are so many people that
criticize the administration nowadays, but I have just one thing to say: For
once, we have someone with the moral fortitude in office to do what's right
BECAUSE it's right. My favorite quote in recent days comes from an anonymous
adviser in the NSA: "If the American Public knew as much as we knew, you'd all
be sleeping in shifts." My advice to you: quit arguing just to argue, we're
tired of listening to you whine.
Parting Shot
It is my long-held belief that the freedoms
we enjoy are the freedoms that are going to distroy this country. Organizations
like the ACLU warp the ideals the Framers put in place over 2 centuries ago, and
are counter-productive to the democratic process. To quote Dennis Miller again,
"You want to talk about irrelevant bodies? Forget the UN, the ACLU is
ridiculous. They are the only organization who has the gall to fight
for the rights of the wrongdoers." I'm done ranting for the day... I'll have some
notes on development shortly.