SQL Server Autoupdates
Randy Holloway talks about SQL Server updating. Recently, I had the pleasure of talking to one of the Program Managers for SQL Server “Yukon” at Microsoft (unfortunately I don't remember his name). Since I had his ear for a few minutes, I queried him (pun intended) on all sorts of information regarding the next release. (I can talk about this next part since it's related to public knowledge anyways). I asked him some questions about having the CLR inside the database, and was pleased overall with his responses. A few questions later, I asked him about patching and updates, and he said basically what this article said. This naturally led me to my next question:
“Well, you've got the Framework baked into the SQL engine, right? Why don't you use the .NET Application Updating capabilities to grab new versions of assemblies off of a public server hosted by Microsoft? It wouldn't be so difficult to make it download non-Framework DLLs too...”
The look he gave me after I said that made me feel like I was either really smart or really stupid. Too bad I'll have to wait another year to figure out which one ;).
Which leads me to a question for you guys: has anyone tried using the Updater Building Blocks to update something other than a WinForms app? What about server controls or middle tier libraries for websites? LOL I kinda feel like the lady on SNL's “Coffee Talk”. 'OK, your topic is component update architectures in managed code. Discuss.' Anyways, I'd love to hear you guys go back and forth with your ideas and experiences.
UPDATE: You could also have a separate updates system similar to Software Update Services that would accomplish the same task, only using .NET AutoUpdating.