- Taking The Fight To The Spammers

Three days ago I officially put comment spammers on notice. I said I wasn't waiting around for a solution anymore, and I meant it. I spent the past few days putting together a little something together, and I'd like some feedback.

Instead of blabbing all about it, I'll just let the site speak for itself. Please give me some input and let me know what can be improved upon so we can solve this problem.


  • I think its a good idea, but expand on the idea some having a signup / qualification process to be able to submit bad IPs.

  • Yeah, that's a part of the plan. I figure, I already have 400 rows in the DB and I've only been collecting them for 3 days, for the time being my collection will be a big enough chunk to build from.

    Any other ideas guys?

  • CAPTCHA is great if you want to prevent bots from spamming your comments. It still does not solve the problem of individuals manually spamming your site. That's why on I recommend a dual approach that uses both methods effectively.

  • I seriously doubt comment spamming is done by individuals in any significant number. Do you have any data to support this?

    Plus, a simple 10-15 second comment throttle per IP will pretty much kill any individual's ability to comment spam. At least not efficiently.

    Dunno, I see this as a 99.8% bot problem. How we handle that 0.2% is basically gravy to me.

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