Frontpage Extensions, Oh How I Loathe Thee

Yeah. Whoever decided that delete commands sent through Frontpage Extensions should bypass the Recycle Bin should be drug out into the street and shot (Ok, it's a line from "Garfield", I don't really want to shoot him/her). Am I the only one that thinks this is a really bad idea? Man, I can't wait for ASP.NET 2.0's GoLive license in February so that I can skip all this FPSE BS.


  • You have to remember that the recycle bin was a new feature in Windows 95 and that it's implementation was tied specifically to the explorer shell. Applications and the command-line does not make use of this API...

    As for getting rid of FPSE with ASP.NET 2.0.... Don't hold your breath.


  • They already did. Visual Studio 2005 can interface with IIS without FPSE.

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