Did you know...
I was talking to a developer friend of mine yesterday. This guy works as a programmer at a console games development company. They do work for the Xbox and PS2. Did you know that the Xbox runs on .NET? Supposedly the Xbox SDK requires you to have Visual Studio .NET 2002 and develop in Managed C++. I had no idea. I wonder how tough it would be for developers to write their own games for the Xbox. The only problem is, the code has to be digitally signed. Unfortunately for us, Verisign only accepts an arm or a leg for payments.
Personally, I think Microsoft should open up Xbox development to more people. Hey, you never know.... maybe someone will figure out how to set up a P2P online music jokebox system that you can pay for and not worry about licensing fees or the RIAA.
In related news, sourceforge.net is completely offline (I don't think it's my computer since I can browse the rest of the net)