Microsoft = bullet-riddled software
I was catching up on Neowin news, and I saw an entry entitled “Microsoft software 'riddled with vulnerabilities'”. I was shocked, nay dumbfounded, to see so many pro-Microsoft comments. Especially along the lines of my rant before I left for the weekend. A few quotes:
Amen! So what do we do to educate the users? Or did Blaster do that for us? Hey Scoble, can you make sure this is addressed at the PDC?
the only thing the blaster worm highlighted was that 90% of computer users have absolutely no idea how to use them exactly. if everyone patched their systems like microsoft and even the freaking government told them, none of this would've happened. And the point that every one has missed (because so many people would need to eat humble pie I guess) that personal firewalls are next to useless in 90% of cases, as users (even supposedly educated neowin members) dont have a clue how to configure them correctly.
The number of "I'm too l33t for antivirus software" people who were infected on neowin was comical, it really made me grin. They mouth off a lot, but obviously can't even configure their personal firewall.