In Memoriam
This message is to programmers and people worldwide, not just to Americans:
There is not a person on this planet that has not been affected by the events of two years ago today, in one form or another. On this day, 3,000 people went off to work, unaware that it would be the last time they would see their loved ones. Think about that for a moment. What if this morning was the last time you got to see your wife or husband, or to kiss you children as they go off to school?
For many people that were on the floors that the plane crashed through, they didn't even know what hit them. One minute they were there, and the next, they were gone forever. What if that was you? What would you have done differently this morning?
Today, take the time to appreciate those around you. Remember the blessings that have been given to you, and take advantage of the opportunity that 3,000 people didn't have, when they went through their daily routine.
To anyone that lost friends and family in the attack, our thoughts and prayers are with you. To everyone else, appreciate what you have today and every day. You never know when it will be gone forever.