Before I'm misquoted....

Before I get slammed for racism here, let me just say that the point I was trying to make in this post not to say that hating Microsoft is akin to racism.  The point WAS, however, to quote Chris Rock in Dogma, “You can change an idea, it's a whole lot harder to change a belief.” Some people will go to the grave thinking that anyone who works at Microsft should rot in hell. (Not me.) Just like some people will go to the grave thinking that blonde haired, blue eyed white people should be the only ones allowed to live free (ALSO not me). Because it is a belief that Microsoft sucks, is bad, or evil, that these people hold. And they will likely hold onto it at all costs, because for them, it validates their reality.


  • It all boils down to "us vs. them". For the *nix crew, MS is "them". Logic, understanding, etc, isn't important when the only goal is for "us" to beat "them". That is the same thinking that backs racism, nationalism, American politics (unfortunately) and football.

    It is okay and harmless (for the most part) in football, but in the rest of the cases, it does more harm than good.

  • Robert: "Some people will go to the grave thinking that anyone who works at Microsft should rot in hell."

    I've never met anyone that thinks that way, although I've met a lot of people that disliked Microsoft business practices, Microsoft products, or both -- sometimes irrationally so. That's not to say that there could not be some 12 year olds on /. that think just what you wrote, but what are *you* doing (a) wasting time worrying about them and (b) wasting time pretending to defend Microsoft from them?

    It's like a siege mentality, except there's no one outside the gates.

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