Big News #3: New Home for Patch Day Review!
Well, my Patch Day Review has gotten pretty popular. So popular in fact, that I decided to make it a service of my company, and give it a new home. runs on the same .Text blogging engine, which allows me to have a lot more control over the format of the site, and automatically creates an RSS feed for me, which was the main reason for using this engine. You'll notice a slightly different format that what I was using before. This is because I wanted to be able to have patch categories, so you can see what alerts affect which products. So from now on, you'll see the patches individually, and you'll also see a summary post for the week. This is the one place where I hope I don't have to post a lot.
Now, I love you guys to death. This site is not for you. I'm sure it will be extremely helpful for you, and that's super. This is designed for your parents, sisters, cousins, brothers, nieces, nephews, grandparents.... anyone who is not a techie. I target my summaries to non-techies, so they can understand the importance of these flaws and their fixes. So make sure you spread the word.
Also, I'll be improving the site dramatically over the next several weeks. If you see a place for growth, please feel free to drop me a line at I'll be sure to follow up, and I'll give credit where it is due.
Please, spread the word!