Me = Kid + CandyStore

I got my MSDN discs today. I'm so excited, but I was kinda disappointed cause i figued they put the binders together for you. Then I thought “well, that doesn't make sense now does it?” BTW, these binders are freakin awesome. So I figured, it's a pretty quiet weekend (the calm before the storm of PDC) So I'll throw this out to you guys for some feedback:

How do you organize your MSDN discs? Do you keep the color coded ones together, or do you separate them into frequently used stuff in one binder, and stuff you'll never use in another?

Discuss. :)


  • I always put the frequently used stuff in one binder. Or actually even in the smaller DVD case so that I can carry it on the road.

    Isn't it great to see that all current versions of Windows, the complete development platform, database servers, messaging servers, etc. can fit on just a handful DVDs nowadays?


  • I organize my DVD subscription by disc number; that makes it easy to find and replace a deprecated disc.


  • I do so by color, and by number within color.

    Have fun!

  • Did ya get the DVD or CD version?

  • I put the most frequently-used DVDs into the portable case, and almost never open the binders (in fact, after my last renewal, I didn't even bother putting stuff into the binders).

    If I run into something that's not in the portable case, it's usually because I haven't gottent the disc for it yet, in which case I download it from MSDN Subscriber Downloads.

    And given that they've once again re-designed how the discs are organized, I'm not sure I'll be any more enthusiastic about spending time putting them in the binders yet again...

  • I keep them neatly organized by color. It's always easier to find discs that way cuz I don't have to think about where I put it. :)

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