Bluetooth Woes

Well, I got my new Bluetooth keyboard today, and I was unable to get it working with Windows Server 2003. I got the Bluetooth stack working (Hacked the XP QFE for it), but couldn't get IntelliPoint and InteelliType working for it. I'm really pissed off at Microsoft on this one, because Windows 2003 is newer than Windows XP SP1, and Bluetooth should be supported and enabled. And the stupid Intelli____ software should be able to work with it too. So, after having just wiped my computer 4 days ago, looks like I'll be wiping it again Thursday morning to downgrade to Windows XP. If I really need to do something on 2003, I guess I'll just use VMWare. I waited a year to get this keyboard, I'm not just gonna let it sit in my closet while MS sits on its butt over this one.

I'd give $20 to anyone who can get the IntelliPoint and IntelliType software from the CD to install properly on 2003 before then....


  • how can you really complain that end user products like that don't work on a *server* product that isn't meant as a desktop workstation? ;-) it really isn't any different how win2k didn't support gaming apps at wasn't meant to be a "home" product...

  • Well, I can complain because MS knows that all their internal guys use it as their desktop OS, and it's a lot different. It's hardware support not software support. It would be like saying you can't install the Voodoo5 because it could be used for gaming.

  • Hello

    I'm trying to make an application in visual c++ that uses the bluetooth stack of windows xp. I've bought now some brainboxes bl-554 blutooth dongles, which should support this stack. But i can't install de delivered QFE323183, because it's the wrong language.

    Can You help me? Does anyone have some sample programs using the XP Stack?

    Thanks for your help!

  • Tried it, and it worked - to an extent. The mouse was easy to connect, the keyboard a bit harder. You have to hit the button on the keyboard, 'Refresh services' in the listing, then right click and 'Connect as -> BT HID', otherwise it asks you for a passkey that doesn't exist.

    The 'to an extent' comment comes from the fact that the BlueSoeil system uses it's own drivers for the keyboard/mouse, not the MS ones. This means that the added functionality of both is removed - no 4/5th mouse buttons or extra keys on the keyboard. Understandable because Intelli* doesn't kick in, but it sure does take a lot of value out of the set. I've been using the Intellimouse Explorer for 4 or so years now (have a first gen sitting right next to me), and living without those two buttons would be death :)

    I tried swapping the BlueSoeil drivers with others, but it doesn't work, so I guess this leaves me with two options:

    1) Don't use the set

    2) Don't have all the cool features that make the set worthwhile over a generic $20 wireless set

    3) Wait until Q3 2004 for XP SP2 and rumored Win2k3 BT drivers

    4) Hope someone found a way to get it working without BlueSoeil


  • Not tried it myself, but apparently if you install IntelliPoint 5 + IntelliType Pro 5 (downloadable from Microsoft's web site) you can configure the BT keyboard and mouse as standard Wireless Optical Desktop devices, allowing you to configure the extra functions.

  • i think bluetooth input devices are a bad idea, especially from a troubleshooting point of view. not to mention working in dos or the bios. regular wireless products are great, but i think anyone going in for bluetooth keyboards are looking for trouble.

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