PDC-Related News
OK, now that I've FINALLY got everything squared away with my company stuff, my online store is finished, GenX.NET is moments away from launch, and my PDC plans are finalized... here's an update on what is going on next week. I'm really excited to meet all of you, and it should be a really great experience. So without further ado, here is what's going on RE: PDC.
- Clemens Vasters has released a new version of dasBlog. I'm extremely excited, because this release comes from a corroboration between Clemens and ScottW to allow dasBlog to interoperate with .Text. Many of the modofications in this release were designed specifically for LonghornBlogs.com, although they can be used for any blogging engine that correctly implements the MetaWeblogAPI. Clemens and ScottW will be talking about the process at the Weblogger BOF Monday night, which ought to be really exciting.
- Speaking of the Weblogger BOF, Greg Reinacker or NewsGator fame will have a bunch of free stuff to give away. Lucky BOF participants could win one of two free copies of NewsGator, and I think he said something about t-shirts too. I'll be giving away two free LonghornBlogs.com shirts... unfortunately they will not be here in time for me to give them away there, but I'll have them shipped directly to your house.
- Want a sneak peek on what's coming with the Whidbey Server Controls? Make sure you come to my VS.NET Whidbey: The Future of Server Controls session immediately before the Weblogger session. I'm going to be giving away copies of Interscape's newest server control (not yet released to the public), and we're going to discuss what control vendors hate the most and what we can do about it.
I know I'm missing something, but oh well. I'll be out there walking around, trying to meet as many of you as possible. If you see me (won't be that hard to miss, I'm 6'3”, and I'll probably be the youngest one there) make sure that you say hi. I'm really anxious to get out there and meet all of you.
I'm going back to my cave now, I have a lot of prepwork to get done. Still need to make some improvements to the store, and finish deploying version 2.1 of the company site. I'll see you all on Monday. Peace!