New Blogger

Just wanted to wanted to welcome a new blogger to the fold...

Scott Cate, leader of the Arizona .NET User's Group is now blogging. Check his site out.

Hey Scott, you need a mainfeed page. Not a mainfeed RSS, which I know you have, but a page where your posts are shown chronologically.


  • Robert - Careful with your hyperboles. That is far from true. According to the INETA data there are at least 35 u.s. groups that are larger. No offense to Scott at all. I'm assuming that he is well aware of this. But in some of the large cities, their membership runs into the many thousands.

  • oh - but - besides that - Happy to see scott blogging! I'll have to add him to my User Group Leaders blogroll!

  • Edited. The last that I heard we were the largest. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • This is a misconception that I actually was under also. I thought we were a pretty large group, until I started working with INETA and found out that we in fact aren't anywhere near the largest of the large groups. In fact we're one of the smallest. One interesting point, is our attendance is between 50-80 every month, so with this small number of users (~480) we get a good turn out. Really this whole thing is not a competition, and I never intended that tone of voice. Just a misconception on my part, due to ignorance I guess. BTW Robert, thanks for the post.

  • well, you are hardly the smallest either. Your group is relatively large in fact. If you are curious, I can email you a spreadsheet with the counts - membership as opposed to butts in chairs. EG: I have 230 members, but get 30-50 butts in chairs at a meeting.

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