Dittoheads Unite!
It's this sort of thing that made it easy not to look back when I was walking away from the open source world. People complain about the signal to noise ratio in the .Net world, but without spending time in some OSS forums, you don't know the meaning of the word "noise."It's very interesting to see these sentiments from a former member of the Open Source "community". It leads me to say just one thing: Hey, Open Source! Shut up and innovate!At the PDC, I spent four days in closer proximity to the "Mother Ship" than ever before in my life, and I can't think of a single time when anyone said anything bad about OSS. We were all busy oooooohing and ahhhhhing over the incredibly cool stuff that MS is coming out with - there wasn't time or the impetus to stop and have some pimple-popping "Enterprise vs. Star Destroyer" argument.