Announcing CSverter 1.0 -> .Text 0.95 to CommunityServer Conversion Wizard
First off, I wanted to thank Jayson Knight for his help with this project. Without the source for his DotTextCS project, this would not have been possible. Also thanks to Divelements, whose WizardControl WinForms component made it easier for me to build this app.
I'm pleased to announce that I've completed work on a wizard to automate the process of moving from .Text to CommunityServer. It has been tested on several different size installations, including a test run for, which will be live shortly.
- Installs all script files and schemas for the CommunityServer destination database
- Automatically creates new authors with the proper permissions
- Automatically creates new blogs & blog directories for those authors
- Automatically migrates entry statistics
- Automatically migrates blog settings (news, secondarycss, etc)
- Automatically creates custom blog groups based on your .Text settings.
- Allows you to select which blogs to migrate
- Allows you to save the DTS packages to the server for troubleshooting
- Quick Install option assumes you're starting with a blank database and migrating all blogs, reducing the number of steps to beginning the process
- Multithreaded to give you realtime feedback on the status of the migration
- Heavy logging for help troubleshooting failed migrations.
As I've said, I've tested it on several sites, and it works well in all cases on my end. If you have any problems, please reply to this thread and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
Some things to remember:
- Right now, the source and destination databases need to be on the same server. If enough people need to move between separate servers, I can add it later.
- You need to run the wizard on a machine where the CS web application is installed. This is because the temporary web service we use to create users and blogs needs to run in the HttpContext of the application (more on my feelings about this later).
- You will need to set up CS and change the web.config file to point to the destination database you will use to complete the migration. Again, this is because the web service will use those settings to create blogs, users, and blog groups.
- Depending on the number of users, blogs, posts, referrers, etc, this process can take SEVERAL HOURS. DTS is rather fast, but it still took over seven hours to migrate
- You may need to use the CS admin UI to change the blog theme after the migration. I'm looking into why this isn't working, but it's not a showstopper, so I'm releasing it anyway.
That being said, enjoy! Don't forget to back up your .Text database first. It doesn't have as much UI validation as I would like, so you can expect some minor improvements.