ScrollingGrid is LIVE!

Well, I finished an all-night marathon wrap-up session last night (midnight to 10am), and finally got ScrollingGrid completed, and all of the website changes online. As of 10am this morning, ScrollingGrid is now available for all of you to test out and buy. The download comes with a built-in 30 day free trial, and you can purchase it right from Visual Studio .NET. It comes with a User's Guide that walks you through all the nuances of the control.

The Developer Edition lets you use ScrollingGrid on an unlimited number of applications / servers for a single developer, and it's only $9.95. Wow, under $10??!?! How do we do it? Well, we feel this control is so cool, that we want it to be nearly impossible for you not to be able to afford it. With other solutions being 10-15x more expensive (and inadequate IMO due to their rendering techniques) we feel that we accomplished what we set out to. And for an extra $30, you can get the full source, which demonstrates best practices for server control development, methods for reflecting against a known type and automatically changing render processes, and how to extend a standard server control.

Our mystery coder did a great job wrapping this one up, and I'm proud to be able to make it available to you. Please visit, try it out, and let me know what we can do to make it even better.


  • Congrats! It looks really cool! Suggestion: put up more screenshots with various propeties changed to make people's eyeballs pop out. Betst thing is you can show the setup code for the demo page in and c#.

  • Thanks Roy. I realized that this morning after I put it online, but haven't had a chance to update the docs or user's guide. That will be my first change this evening.

  • nice job - and I finally cruised around your main website and learned all about GenX.NET.


  • Just want to know what is so special about this other than Scrolling.



  • Navin,

    Well, I think it's special for several reasons.

    1) It's cheap.

    2) It's cross-browser compatible (no HTCs here).

    3) It's simple (no external scripts or images to deal with... everything's internal) .

    4) It's focused (no extra paging or sorting features... it just scrolls) meaning there is no feature bloat to jack up the price.

    5) It works with your existing DataGrids (didn't re-invent the wheel).

    That's what I think. I'd like you to download it and tell me what you think. Your feedback is extremely valuable, and helps drive improvements to our products.

  • The column headers don't line up with the data.

  • I've discussed the reasons for that in several prior posts. For further information, I'd suggest downloading the trial version and reading the User's Guide.

  • Rob,

    I am curious to see what kind of success you get from selling your control, which is clearly something many web developers are interested in. Do you feel comfortable sharing you sales figures in future blog entries? I think many of the developers here have wondered how successful their tools/controls/apps would be commercially, and hearing about your experience would be valuable.


  • It does not work with Opera.

  • AC,

    That's interesting. I'm not sure, I'd have to discuss that with my CEO. We'll have to see how well it does. I will say that I hadn't even talked about ScrollingGrid before I went to sleep this morning (at 10am) and when I woke up at 1pm, we had already sold a copy.


    Can you send me a screenshot? We've tested it in all versions and it renders (relatively) predictably in all browsers.

  • Can you show the markup that is used for your sample and a screenshot of the design view?

    Does you control still use a dialog window to add/modify columns?

  • FYI: I tried the online demo in Opera 7.2 and it worked just fine.

  • Nice try but no cigar. The columns headers don't line up in many real-world scenarios including your online demo. OK for a proof of concept, but not a true solution. Examples where it doesn't work:

    - Column width specified in the CSS class

    - Column widths specified in different units

    - Column widths specified as percentages i.e. expandable.

  • Thanks for the feedback. Because the rendering is handled server-side, the control can't read the CSS data to run the mathematical computations involved in re-creating the header. We're working on a solution to that problem for the next point release, which will be out later next month, and will be a free upgrade for all users.

    As for percentages, the User's Guide specifically addresses why that is a bad idea. The foremost reason is because you can't control how the percentages are going to work together. The header is an entirely separate table, therefore it affects everything else differently than it would a standard table.

    The goal of v1 was to render using only the Framework. Any limitations of that area a direct result of the limitations of the Framework, and the limitations of how HTML is processed in the various browsers. The goal of V2, due out in early 2004, is to use browser-specific client-script to help overcome those limitations.

    The bottom line is, you can't have a sloppy UI and expect ScrollingGrid to work. You're going to have to get control of your interface to have the best experience possible.

    And hey, we're always open to assistance. If you think you can solve the problem programmatically, then contact me and I'll see what we can do.

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