Continually Amazed...
I've been sitting here for 2 hours now watching todays UN events unfold on TV, and it amazes me how weak our global leaders are. Bush's State of the Union address was a very powerful opener for today's events. Colin Powell, one of the planet's most brilliant and political advisors, gave the best case to date on how the world is being deceived. He brought it down to the most basic level, so that even Gomer Pyle could understand how it effects everyone, and the other countries. Yet the cowards that run the worlds nations sat there, heard teh same information, and are still convinced that inspections are working. It completely amazes me.
These leaders need to get some balls, and stand up to Hussein. Bush made an excellent point in his SOTU address: Every time Europe has let a dictator come to power and threaten society, the situation was not resolved until we stepped in and finished it. They are sticking to their standard method of standing aside and watching as people try to take over, and they're going to watch as our present-day Hitler does the same thing.
Think about that for a second. Hussein has already said that he wants Iraq to be "the security force for the whole Arab nation." How is this not just like Hitler? The only thing the Arabs want is direct control over the holy land, and nothing less than the complete elimination of Israel. Now, don't get me wrong. The Israeli situation sucks, and I hate the way the US handles it. It makes no sense to me how this oppressed people, understanding how much oppression sucks, would then oppress someone else. But are we going to let this get in the way of someone who is MORE destructive?
We're watching the same old Europe over and over again.... the Europe that would rather avoid war at all costs until it is forced to fight, until it's getting it's butt kicked and needs us to come bail it out. This is the same Europe that stood by and watched as Hitler came to power, and LET him take over countries, not even realizing they were screwing themselves. It begs the question: does Saddam need to build Kurdish death camps and send 6 millioin people to the ovens before Europe will finally decide to fight?
We Americans know all too well that sometimes you have to fight for what you believe in. And France has the gall to stand in opposition to us. How many times have we bailed them out from an occupation? They won't change their tune until Saddam invades Paris or something.
I'm done ranting for now. I'm going back to watching cowards run their countries, and thank God that we've got a leader with guts and morals.