This Just In

Federal appeals court in Washington, D.C. rules that the RIAA lawsuits against fileswappers are illegal.

"We are not unsympathetic either to the RIAA’s concern regarding the widespread infringement of its members' copyrights, or to the need for legal tools to protect those rights," the court wrote. "It is not the province of the courts, however, to rewrite (copyright law) in order to make it fit a new and unforeseen Internet architecture, no matter how damaging that development has been to the music industry."

1 Comment

  • clarification: the courd did not rule lawsuits against the fileswappers are illegal, they rules that the lawsuits/subpeonas to the ISPs to identify the fileswappers are illegal.

    RIAA could still file against fileswappers if they get their identity, they just can't *force* the ISPs via legal means to do so...they'd file john doe suits similar to how companies do this frequently for posters on company yahoo message boards for posters posting insider info...

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