Credit Card Processing for .NET Developers
A few months ago, I had a huge problem with Interscape's credit card processing. I bloggeed about it in a post entitled “How To Screw Up And Still Come Out Ahead” It was quite an ordeal. Well, I decided that I wanted to help make the process easier for people in the .NET world. So Interscape teamed up with for Phase One of a two-phase system to make it ridiculously easy to process credit cards on a website. Phase One is the Merchant Account, which is the way that the cards are processed. These accounts are tied to a “gateway”, which in this case is, and that is included in the package. We worked to get the lowest prices possible, and we're passing those prices directly on to you.
So what is Phase Two? We're not telling yet. It's still in development, but needless to say, it will revolutionize the way business is done online. A big statement? You betcha. Hype? That's for you to decide. In the meantime, Interscape and MerchantPlus will give you $1000 if we can't beat your current rates. If you're using PayPal, quit screwing around and start doing some serious business. Check out our rates, then complete our 100% electronic sign-up process (it's REALLY cool, that's what got me hooked... you even sign the contract online).
If you need to get started integrating your processing on your website, there are a bunch of options. Until ours is finished, I'd recommend CodeSine's solution. It's not perfect, but it's cheap and it works.
Oh yeah, anyone that signs up between now and Phase Two will get our Phase Two offering free. So, if you have any questions, as always feel free to contact me. I'll do my best to help you out in any way I can. And feel free to send me feedback too.... I'd like to know if there is anything we can do to make the process simpler.