My Christmas Present To You
A version of ScrollingGrid that actually works in a production environment. Today I've released ScrollingGrid 1.1. This new version opens up the previously private variable that sets the width to adjust for the Scrollbar. Now, if it's not rendering properly, you can adjust it yourself. ScrollingGrid was originally designed this way, but we had a design review a few weeks prior to launch, and it was determined that the property did not need to be exposed. A month's worth of real-world use showed this not to be the case, so I overrode the team and put it back in.
This does not mean that you won't still have to specifically the column widths, that feature will not be available until version 1.2, due out at the end of January.
I also updated the User's Guide to include a new two page troubleshooting section, that will walk you through correcting “shallow” and “deep” headers, and help with some problems we've had in the past with the Xheo.Licensing assembly. If you are currently using ScrollingGrid 1.0, please uninstall it before installing ScrollingGrid 1.1. As always, suggestions are appreciated. Let me know if you have any problems.
If you've given it a try before, I'd like you to download it again, if anything, so that you can tell us what you think of our attempted improvements.
Download ScrollingGrid 1.1 Now! (direct link)