CSS Help Needed

I'll give hyperlink space on Interscape's blog site, a shoutout in my blog here (major GoogleJuice), and a Enterprise Edition of ScrollingGrid to anyone who can fashion me a .Text skin for our corporate blogs that looks similar to our corporate site, only way better than the pitiful attempt I made. Must use .Text 0.95 skins, be clean, and visually appealing, while retaining an Interscape “feel” (doesn't need to be a carbon-copy of the home page).

If someone wants to redesign the aggregate page for me, I'll figure out something else free to throw in there.

You don't have to ask my permission, just get started and e-mail me the finished product to robert@interscapeusa.com. I'll pick the best one, and any others will get something free cause I'm a nice guy :). They have to be serious attempts though.


  • Actually your skin looks pretty close to the Interscape site. You just need an graphic with a light grey background on the right side column and the footer. Would be nice if both columns were the same height, too.

    Maybe you're actually want to ask someone to come up with a new design for both sites :)

  • That's the thing, I can't get the CSS layouts to line up, without converting the whole thing over to tables. I'm seriously considering it, cause I hate the way it looks right now.

    The CSS problems I'm having involve getting the text to do what I want it to (I get different results than expected when I change things) and getting the layout to do what I want it to.

    In regards to our home page, I like our layout. It's simple, clean, predictable, and effective. We'll do an overhaul in 6 months or so, but I can't stand websites that try to cram everything onto a page. It overwhelms people.

    Hey, if someone wanted to come up with a new design that was cool and matched the style of our logos, I'd be all for it. I can't afford to pay for it though, so you'd have to settle for free software.

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