Linux Learning Some Manners?

This morning I came across these two links, which amount to etiquitte lessons for Linux bigots (don't jump down my throat, the links say that). I thought it was pretty cool that at least SOME people see how their “Linux is the answer to everything, period.” crap does more harm than good. Here's a sample:

“Linux users are a notorious bunch. We tend to be vociferous OS bigots of the first order. This is a trait that has served the software community well. After all, if we were not that way we would never have put the time and effort into developing, deploying, and supporting the thing. But it also a trait that has drawbacks. Some of these drawbacks are serious, and effect our ability to present Linux as a serious alternative to other, more prominent OS's (using the term, in many cases, very loosely).

I'm not going to try to present the Linux alternative in anything but a fair and honest way. That means I'm not going to be talking about the possibility of loosing your job for choosing Linux -- after all, that is not a problem that is unique or limited to any one OS. The fact is that when you choose the wrong tool for mission critical applications, you should be called to task for that choice. This is regardless of the OS's involved. Likewise I will not clamor on that Linux is the one, true solution to all problems. Such a statement, however much I'd like it to be so, is just as foolish.“

The articles are great, my only concern is that they need a graphic designer, bad. I haven't seen a bare-white article in a good long time. Other than that, very good read, and stuff that our camp should take to heart too.

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