More VS.NET 2003/ Framework 1.1 Info
I've seen post all over the net about people nervous about installing VS.NET 2003. Having worked with it for several months now, let me allay your fears.
First off, put it out of your head that this is an upgrade. Upgrade infers replacing the current software. As with the framework itself, VS.NET 2003 is installed next to VS.NET 2002, which can also be installed next to VS7, VS6 et al. The two will cohabitate in perfect harmony (they sleep in the same bed, but VS.NET 2002 stays on top of the sheets, while 2003 like lay under the covers) with nary an argument between them.
Further, there should be no reason why the rest of you don't install the .NET Framework 1.1 immediately. It will not hose your system, and lots of people (including myself) will be distributing 1.1-compiled apps in the very near future. Just so that you know, I have it on extremely good authority that the ASP.NET Forums are compiled to 1.1.
Here's where you should be afraid. ASP.NET Component Developers: Welcome to Assembly Hell. Assembly Hell is the replacement for DLL Hell, the ol' COM buddy of ours. Assembly Hell occurs because the lack of an Application Assembly Cache when dealing with version dependancies. When dealing with an app that references 2 different third-party assemblies that in turn individually reference two different versions of the same assembly (ie a licensing component), the older version may overwrite the new version, cause a dependency error. The depths of this hell increase further because we are now going to be required to carry multiple versions of the same product for the forseeable future. Arrgh.