My feelings at this point...

Imports System
Imports System.Web

Public Class Robert

    Sub BlogYourMind()
    End Sub

    Public Function ExpressOpinions(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DailyRoutineEventArgs)
        Catch AnythingNotDotNet As
    End Function

    Sub WonderWhyPeopleCantIgnoreWhatTheyDontAgreeWith()
        'TODO: Implement routine

End Class


  • Do you have this code sample in C# also? ;-)

  • Meave it to Jesse to make me laugh. I needed that man thanks.

  • Meave it to Jesse to make me laugh. I needed that man thanks.

  • It posted 2x... hmmm. I meant to say "leave"

  • Robert: A spammer could make the same argument: "If people don't like what I send them, why can't they just delete it?"

    I subscribe to the DotNetWebLogs feed to keep up on the latest technical info. Because it's an aggregated feed, I can't simply unsubscribe from individual blogs; it's all-or-nothing. Off-topic posts waste my time, just like spam does.

  • I've no objection to off-topic posts. As for people ignoring what they don't agree with, surely if you're entitled to post something, they have as much right to reply?

    Also (ok, i should shuttup now) but surely "WonderWhyPeopleCantIgnoreWhatTheyDontAgreeWith" means america should ignore Iraq too? ;-)

  • I'm not gonna side with spammers here, but if it's a waste of time, then why do people waste EVEN MORE time responding? If you see it's not about .NET, have the self control to skip it and move on. You (read: everyone) read it because you want to know what other people have the guts to say. It's not my fault if you waste your time responding to it. if you truly believed that it wasn't worth reading, wouldn't you then have to agree by implication that it's not worth responding to?

  • Good point Daniel, but let me expound on your first statement to say that they gave the right to respond WITH RESPECT.

    On #2, there is a difference between ignoring an opinion and ignoring what's right and wrong.

  • Noted, and I apologise that how I replied may have been a little harsh, but I was trying to make a point. I think I'll call this one a day and we'll agree to disagree.

    Never read your site before today but for some reason I've gone and subscribed to the rss feed :p

    /me mutters about tiny comment boxes in mozilla (already prodded scott)

  • "If you truly believed that it wasn't worth reading, wouldn't you then have to agree by implication that it's not worth responding to?"

    Robert: I *do* agree that it's a waste of time to respond, which is why I haven't responded, other than to post these comments to try to help you understand why I (and others) object to political posts in a .NET feed.

  • Daniel you were not harsh at all. I was talking about everyone else.

    Phil, that comment was more directed at everyone else than you. kind of tongue-in-cheek if you get my drift.

  • On one hand, I say a blog should a place to truly express your opinions, censoring and filtering is a bad thing.

    On the other, this is .NET weblogs, a community that Scott has been generous enough to provide us for free. Our primary focus should be .NET and technology in general, and we all need to keep in mind that this is a global community.

    Let's not allow national, political, or religious interests to interfere with the real reason we're here, technology. It's easy to ignore an "off-topic" post; it's harder to ignore an "offensive" post.

    Just remember - no matter how elegantly put, hatred is still hatred. The recent anti-French rhetoric isn't a far cry from racist or anti-Semitic commentary.

    I would hate to lose someone from the community who has something to say about technology because of something stupid like this....

    Can't we all get along? :)

  • Tim, as always, well said. I would disagree about your stance on the anti-French rhetoric. Also, I would gently remind you that anger and hatred are two different things. I don't post hatred. Period. I may post disgust, shame, sorrow, gratitude, or anger, but never hatred.

  • Maybe the fact that I was a LtCol. in the AFJROTC program (awarded a scholarhip to the AFROTC program as a CS major) might help explain my feelings towards the situation.

  • now THAT...

    is SO money.

  • Ladies and gentlemen, the irreverent, the incomparable, BRADY GASTER!

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