My new toy

I got my PocketPC a few days ago. Man this is one cool piece of equipment. I am totally geeked out now. I bought it off of Brady for $700, and man did I get some cool stuff to go with it.

NavMan GPS sleeve - this thing is frickin awesome. The software it came with read me the directions as I drive, and if I miss a turn, whamo it autocorrects for me. How cool is that?

PCMCIA sleeve - need I say more? WiFi here I come!

256MB CF card.... I loaded it up with mp3s and I'm listening to it right now. I'm gonna have to figure out how to use WMP9 to shrink the files down when I copy it over. I'm listening to it right now tho, and the quality is in-frickin-credible.

The best part is that now I can finally write some PocketPC apps. Instead of a PocketRSS agregator, I think I'm going to write a developer buddy app. Here's what I'm thinking right now:

  • Track multiple projects
  • Manage features
  • Manage bugs
  • Take notes in the field
  • Miscellaneous tasks

I might see about integrating it with OnTime, since their app is pretty good. I think that would be the best way to go... because you could sync it up with the desktop app, or access the web services if you are on the road. Thoughts would be appreciated.


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