In case you couldn't already tell...
I was out pretty much all last week, buried with 5 different projects that all had to be finished (surprise surprise, none of them are yet), but I've been taking some time to catch up on my blog. I wanted to bring a couple of things to your attention.
#1. My former employer myKB has set up a "Free Account" option for their knowledge base software. It's really a killer app, and has TONS more features than InstantKB. PLUS, you can customize it to fit your site design. Go here to sign up, or check out actual clients Interscape Technologies (me), TatoChip (Brady Gaster), RichTextBox, and If you sell any software whatsoever, you need to have a knowledge base.
NOTE ON #1: I'm working on an article that will discuss how to integrate blogs, forums, and knowledge bases into a unified "personality management" strategy. More on this to come.
#2. I'm up to my neck in projects that I have to get done for my employer. I'm going to be subcontracting them out in the near future, but right now I just need them done. I can't pay you until after these projects are finished, but what I can do is host your website for free and give you a ton of cool components to use. If you can really kick butt for me, and have a few hours a week to spare, I see Benjamins in your future (or at the very least, Jacksons) If you're interested, contact me using the form in this blog and let me know your strengths, and I'll see if you can help out.
NOTE ON #2: Newbies need not apply for now. I need a few people who REALLY know their stuff, and can code without too much direction. I should be able to tell you what we're trying to accomplish, and get the results back in a day or two, without a million questions over IM.
#3. I finished up an article on Windows Server 2003 / .NET 1.1 for that will be available this Friday. I will post a link when it hits the press. Here are the other articles on tap:
- #4: Preventing "Middle Child Syndrome" In Your Data Layer - a humorous look at programming and how parenting tips apply to tiered application design.
- #5: The Everyday How-To: DropDownList Basics - In this everyday scenario, we're going to learn how to create an "Edit Record" form with a DropDownList. We're going to bind the DDL with all the possible data, then we're going to pull a specific record, and set one of the items in the DDL as "selected". This is a very poorly-documented part of the DDL control, so you may want to pay attention. This builds on the code I started in Articles 1 and 2.
- #6: Creating Custom Controls: Extending The DropDownList - I'm going to take the concepts from Article 5 and turn them into a custom server control, step-by-step.
- #7: Understanding The Basics: Delegates - You've been using them already, and you may not have even noticed. I'll give you the lowdown. (NOTE: This WILL be better than my AZDNUG presentation)
- #8: Under The Hood: DataGrid Events - MS gave me permission to dive under the hood of the DataGrid, and show you exactly how events are fired, and in what order. As usual, I will be using concepts from my previous article to illustrate my point.
- #9: TOP SECRET - I'm going to use the concepts from ALL these articles to create a custom control that will blow your mind. (I'm not exaggerating either). if you haven't tuned in yet, take notice. What I will do (well, have already done) has never been done before.It may very well change how you think about .NET
- I'm just getting warmed up...
Those are just the articles that I've already written, You don't even want to see my to-do list for the stuff I wanna write about.
Well I've spent enough time yakking, I'd better get back to work. Don't forget to check out myKB too.