Been out the last few days
Ugh. I'm in the middle of a move, and my internet connection is off. I feel naked. I'm going thru withdrawl.... can't get my daily dose of Scoble....
Did my case study for GenX.NET 3.0 yesterday... it went famously. It took just over 5 seconds to open a 5,000 record spreadsheet in Excel. The competition took approximately 9,000 seconds. That's 1,800 times faster. I'm giddy all over.
I don't like the fact that I'm using the StringBuilder tho. It took almost a full minute to generate the files. Before, I would create a string, then write it to the file, then reassign the value of the string to the next line, and write it to the file. Performance was amazing. Resource utilization was relatively low. Now, I'm generating the whole thing in-memory because I can now write to the browser instead of just the file system. I don't like holding a 3 MB file in memory, but I've already optimized the output as to not have any excess information, so I guess that's the best I can do. I need to check and make sure I'm passing the string ByRef instead of ByVal tho. That could be where I'm taking a "time-to-completion" hit. It shouldn't take that long to cycle thru a data object.