Oh God I really am a geek....
I head on over to Gnome-Girl to see how she's doing (not cancer, woo hoo!), and she's got a link to the Geek Test that's been really popular the last few days. So I go to check it out. What is the first question?
programmed a calculator in math class
OK it's official. Right there I already know what the answer is. Holly Hamblin, one killer-cool girl and a great friend, signed my yearbook in 8th, 9th, and 10th Grades: "Keep programming graphing calculators". Why? Because she was in math class with me every year, and all the time I sat there with my TI-85 trying to make it do cooler and cooler things. Ever done animation with a graphing calculator? I made Winnie The Pooh eat honey. Now, 5 years later, I've traded my sleek black graphing monster for a Windows 2003 server farm, a laptop, and a PocketPC.
The result? 22.09073% - Geek. Wow, not bad. I would have assumed worse. Then again, I've never played D&D before. I wonder where my TI-85 is....