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Roy talks about Dave Winer taking down. While I agree with Roy that it is kinda sad, I think it is a good thing. With Dave's health the way it is, maybe he needs so time to re-evaluate his situation. Like me, he's really good at rubbing people the wrong way. He's been really successful at this RSS stuff, but because of that I don't think he's had a whole lot of time to enjoy it. Maybe some good will come of it. It takes a lot to walk away, and it takes a big man to know when is the right time to do so.
Dave, if you read this, which I'm sure you don't, but someone who is friends with him might, read John C. Maxwell's "Your Roadmap To Success: You CAN Get There From Here". Truly viewpoint-changing stuff. Take a break. Enjoy life. Go take some dance lessons. We'll be waiting for you when you come back.