Contents tagged with Community News
Are You Building Cool Solutions with Vista & Office?
I'm helping Microsoft coordinate some launch efforts in the Southwest US. So if you live and work in one of the following areas:
Microsoft, Yahoo Adopt Google Sitemaps is reporting that later today, Microsoft and Yahoo will announce that they are adopting the Sitemaps 0.90 format, formerly known as Google Sitemaps. Now, Community Server users can submit their existing Google Sitemaps feeds to be indexed by the other two top search engine players as well.
Adding OpenSearch for your CommunityServer Site
So last night, I had this really random idea to create an OpenSearch Provider for That way I could search my site from IE7's search box. In the process, I discovered that my search is broken there, so I decided to create them for several of the main Microsoft community sites instead:
E-mail Address Change
My e-mail address no longer works. If anyone's trying to contact me, please use my e-mail address instead. Thanks guys!
Posting to From Word 2007
Ever since Telligent updated to CommunityServer 2.1, I’ve been anxious to try blogging from Word 2007. But the directions in the “Help” link in Word 2007 are incorrect. Fortunately, Chris Garrett already found the solution: the correct MetaBlog API URL is Woo hoo!