Very good but image size is small and it's not suitable to us ein blogs.
Keyvan: So, you're saying you'd like a larger image copied?
Nice app.
I would also like larger image copied.
If you don't have the time to wait for me to update it, simply download the full version with the source, and find the AmazonWueryHelper class. Find the string "Small" (WITH the quotes) and replace it with "Large".
Recompile the solution and you're done.
Oh, you might need to create your own key though...
Greate sample of how to use the BackgroundWorker component!
A little comment (or question, that is); Shouldn't a HTML tag with no acompanying end-tag (i.e. IMG-tag) end with '.../>' and not '...\>'?
The Amazoner produces the latter.
Wow...! Why do I notice such things - hmmm... scary.
GK: Hmm. I guess I just had a typo there. That's what you get for not being a web UI dev, I really don't like writing HTML, which means when I do rarley use it, I screw it up :)
So I tryed to modify the source. I can not seem to get past the compilation error "Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store". Any tips?
Yes, you should sign your assembly with your own private key (In the application setting, see the "sign assembly" section. I signed mine but did not include the key in the release.
The setting appears in the assemblyinfo.cs file in the assemblykeyfil attribute.