Getting Cisco's IPSEc VPN Client working on Windows 10

Cisco's IPSEC VPN client was (is still?) a staple VPN client for many enterprises. The problem is that Cisco stopped supporing the client prior to Windows 8.

Those that are required to use it have found the fixes to get it working on Windows 8 (Fix the DisplayName string in Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA; remove the garbage characters at the front). However, there are many issues when trying to even get the client installed on Windows 10 x64.

Installation Issues

The 64bit installer can't modify the network settings to add the required DNE LightWeight filter.

The "almost" Fix

Install CITRIX DNE Updater manually


Even though you can now install the VPN Client, it will not allow you to connect to the server; it will not be able to establish a connection.


Uninstall the Citrix DNE Updater, you don't need this.

Instead, install the SonicWall VPN 64-bit CLient from Dell. This will add the DNE LightWeight filter, and allow your VPN to correctly download the certificates from the VPN Server.

At the time of this blog, you can find the SonicWall install files here:


  • Unfortunately, still get the Secure VPN Connection terminated by Peer. Reason 427

    On fresh release of Windows 10, installed 7/30

    With Cisco VPN Client and the SonicWall VPN 64-bit Client from Dell

  • Excellent fix, works fine for me.

    Tested it on several PC's (Windows 10 32bit / 64bit) clean install and upgrade.

    Afterwards you can remove de SonicWall VPN software and everything still works. (DNE LightWeight filter doesn't get removed)

  • I got this working as well ... on a Window 10 RTM Build that began life as the first public release and was upgraded along the way to RTM on 6/29. It's all running on VMWare Workstation 11.

    It did NOT work until I removed the references in the registry to the oem file in the registry.
    Find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CVirtA
    - For x64 machines.. change "@oem8.inf,%CVirtA_Desc%;Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows” to "Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows”.

  • Hi!

    After updating my Windows 8.1 to 10, I can not use my Cisco VPN Client.

    You asked me to reinstall Windows 10 client. Now when you try to install it again, it shows me an error message "Your app does not work with Windows 10"

    I try segir their steps and then tell them way I was. also thanks for your help, as they are the first to post this solution.

    Greetings and we are in contact,


  • Hi
    >After updating my Windows 8.1 to 10, I can not use my Cisco VPN Client.
    >You asked me to reinstall Windows 10 client. Now when you try to install it again, it shows me an error message "Your app does >not work with Windows 10"
    > I try segir their steps and then tell them way I was. also thanks for your help, as they are the first to post this solution.
    >Greetings and we are in contact,
    > Richard

    I also have this problem.


  • Hi,
    first of all thanks a lot for the tip to install the Dell VPN software. Not even the old Ipsec client is working fine within Win10.
    For all of you having problems with the installation: just run the vpnclient_setup.msi and not the vpnclient_setup.exe. Works fine on my systems...

    Cheers and good luck,

  • Hi everyone,

    I managed to get the application installed and running, but whenever I try to connect to a VPN I get error 443: Reason not specified by Peer. Secure VPN connection terminated by Peer.

    Any help on this please?

  • Ryan and OCGrumpa,

    Thank you so much, these together finally got it working! I wonder if after our upgrade process we couldn't have installed the SonicWall VPN to avoid having to reset windows after the Cisco software rendered all network adapters unusable.

  • Thanks Ryan, this solution worked perfectly for us.

  • Try this. Worked perfect for me.

  • If you get "Reason 442: Failed to enable Virtual Adapter" then use these instructions to fix a Registry issue:

  • I get error below when tryingt to connect using Cisco VPN after trying those steps:

    Secure VPN Connection terminated by Peer.
    Reason 425: Manually Disconnected by Administrator

    Any ideas?

  • I get the following error when trying to connect

    Secure VPN Terminated by Peer
    Reason 433:( Reason not specified by Peer)

    If I enable logs and try to connect i get this

    1 14:32:48.122 08/11/15 Sev=Warning/2 CVPND/0xA3400017
    Key download failed.

    2 14:32:48.122 08/11/15 Sev=Warning/3 IKE/0xE3000002
    Function download_key_entry failed with an error code of 0x00000000(ISAWIN:346)

    3 14:32:48.122 08/11/15 Sev=Warning/3 IKE/0xE3000050
    Failed to load IPsec keys

    4 14:32:48.122 08/11/15 Sev=Warning/2 IKE/0xE30000A7
    Unexpected SW error occurred while processing Quick Mode negotiator:(Navigator:2263)

    5 14:32:48.310 08/11/15 Sev=Warning/2 IPSEC/0xE3700003
    Function CniMemRealloc() failed with an error code of 0x00000000 (IPSecDrvBSafeMem:152)

    Someone please help me solve this, i can upgrade all my PC's to Win 10 until i have this working, i need it to VPN into clients.

  • The best and final solution is

  • It works fine!! fantastic! :) thanks

  • @John O'Mally, try to uninstall Cisco VPN, and follow the instructions above. You need to install the SonicWALL adapter first. Otherwise there are other VPN Clients that work. CarlosRPEvertsz suggestion does work on Windows 10.

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