Implementing Linked Lists in C#

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The question is why you need Linked Lists and why it is the foundation of any Abstract Data Structure.

Take any of the Data Structures - Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Trees; there are two ways to go about implementing them -

  • Using Arrays
  • Using Linked Lists

Now you use Arrays when you know about the size of the Nodes in the list at Compile time and Linked Lists are helpful in a way that you are free to add as many Nodes to the List as required at Runtime.



Now, let's see how we go about implementing a Simple Linked List in C#.

Note: We'd be dealing with singly linked list for time being, there's also another version of linked lists - the Doubly Linked List which maintains two pointers (NEXT and BEFORE).


Class Diagram

Let's see the Class Diagram first:

 Class Diagram



    1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    2 // <copyright file="Node.cs" company="">

    3 // TODO: Update copyright text.

    4 // </copyright>

    5 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    7 namespace CSharpAlgorithmsAndDS

    8 {

    9     using System;

   10     using System.Collections.Generic;

   11     using System.Linq;

   12     using System.Text;


   14     /// <summary>

   15     /// TODO: Update summary.

   16     /// </summary>

   17     public class Node

   18     {

   19         public Object data { get; set; }


   21         public Node Next { get; set; }

   22     }

   23 }





    1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    2 // <copyright file="LinkedList.cs" company="">

    3 // TODO: Update copyright text.

    4 // </copyright>

    5 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------


    7 namespace CSharpAlgorithmsAndDS

    8 {

    9     using System;

   10     using System.Collections.Generic;

   11     using System.Linq;

   12     using System.Text;


   14     /// <summary>

   15     /// TODO: Update summary.

   16     /// </summary>

   17     public class LinkedList

   18     {

   19         private Node Head;


   21         public void AddNode(Node n)

   22         {

   23             n.Next = this.Head;

   24             this.Head = n;


   26         }


   28         public void printNodes()

   29         {


   31             while (Head!=null)

   32             {

   33                 Console.WriteLine(;

   34                 Head = Head.Next;


   36             }


   38         }

   39     }

   40 }






    1 using System;

    2 using System.Collections.Generic;

    3 using System.Linq;

    4 using System.Text;


    6 namespace CSharpAlgorithmsAndDS

    7 {

    8     class Program

    9     {

   10         static void Main(string[] args)

   11         {

   12             LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();

   13             Node A = new Node();

   14    = "A";


   16             Node B = new Node();

   17    = "B";


   19             Node C = new Node();

   20    = "C";

   21             ll.AddNode(A);

   22             ll.AddNode(B);

   23             ll.AddNode(C);


   25             ll.printNodes();

   26         }

   27     }

   28 }





Final Words

This is just a start, I will add more posts on Linked List covering more operations like Delete etc. and will also explore Doubly Linked List / Implementing Stacks/ Heaps/ Trees / Queues and what not using Linked Lists.



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