Blue screen error caused by a device or driver


Blue screen error caused by a device or driver

You received this message because a hardware device, its driver, or related software has caused a blue screen error. This type of error means the computer has shut down abruptly to protect itself from potential data corruption or loss. In this case, we were unable to detect the specific device or driver that caused the problem.

I got blue screen few times surprisingly i am able to re-login without any issue.I have dual boot with windows XP on both OS.My guess 2nd XP saving me to re-login back … This is very funny..:)

Any guess ?


Suresh Behera


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1 Comment

  • I have had this error several times now and have completed steps one, two and three. I am at the stage of asking our son which downloads he can do without (temporarily) to fix the problem.
    I think him losing his temper and banging the desk the computer sits on has not helped matters. I may have to do one, two and three again because that seemed to fix the error message for a week or so.
    I do feel totally unqualified to even attempt stages four and five so I may turn to a local professional for help. The very best of luck if you have a similar problem.

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