
.NET, code, personal thoughts

  • Creating Azure Storage SFTP with Password using Bicep

    Azure Storage service has a neat little option for hosting an SFTP. Doing so lets you upload your files as blobs to your Storage account. This is extremely helpful, especially when working on the decades-old system migrated to Azure but still requiring SFTP for data transfer. The documentation and setup of SFTP with a Storage account are straightforward—until you try to create the resource using Bicep and set the password as part of Bicep deployment. This is where it's getting a bit cumbersome.

  • Auditing with Azure Functions

    In the previous two posts about recoverability, I focused on the rainy day scenarios where intermittent failures require retries and backoffs. This post will focus on the happy day scenario, where everything works as expected. So what's the issue then?

  • Recoverability with Azure Functions

    When working with Azure Service Bus triggers and Functions, the recoverability story is not the best with the out-of-box implementation. To understand the challenges with the built-in recoverability and how to overcome those, this post will dive into the built-in recoverability with Azure Functions for Service Bus queues and subscriptions, offering an alternative. But first, what is recoverability?

  • Azure Blob Storage Cold Tier

    Azure Storage service is the foundational building block in cloud architecture. Cheap, reliable, resilient, and powerful. From small solutions to monster systems, Blob service, in particular, is convenient. Any system that involves any type of document slowly but steadily has the number of blobs/files growing over time. Be it specific business requirements or legal aspects, blobs must be kept around for some time. But not all blobs are equal.

  • Manually Completing Service Bus Messages with Functions

    Message settlement with Azure Service Bus has undergone some changes over the past few iterations of the Service Bus SDK for .NET. In the latest SDK (Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus), the settlement is performed via the ServiceBusReceivedMessage. In the previous SDK, this was accomplished with the help of the MessageReceiver object.