Simple MVVM Walkthrough – Refactored

JR has put together a good introduction post into MVVM pattern. I love kick start examples that serve the purpose well. And even more than that I love examples that also can pass the real world projects check. So I took the sample code and refactored it slightly for a few aspects that a lot of developers might raise a eyebrow.

Michael has mentioned model (entity) visibility from view. I agree on that. A few other items that don’t settle are using property names as string (magical strings) and Saver class internal casting of a parameter (custom code for each Saver command).

Fixing a property names usage is a straight forward exercise – leverage expressions. Something simple like this would do the initial job:

class PropertyOf<T>
public static string Resolve(Expression<Func<T, object>> expression)
var member = expression.Body as MemberExpression;
return member.Member.Name;

With this, refactoring property names becomes an easy task, with confidence that an old property name will not stay in the code after property gets renamed. An updated Invoice would look like this:

public class Invoice : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int id;
private string receiver;

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

private void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

public int Id
get { return id; }
if (id != value)
id = value;
OnPropertyChanged(PropertyOf<Invoice>.Resolve(x => x.Id));

public string Receiver
get { return receiver; }
receiver = value;
OnPropertyChanged(PropertyOf<Invoice>.Resolve(x => x.Receiver));

For the saver, I decided to change it a little so now it becomes a “view-model agnostic” command, one that can be used for multiple commands/view-models. Reason for this is the fact that on average UI has more than a single command. Updated Saver now accepts an action at the construction time and executes that action when command is exercised. No more black magic Smile

  internal class Command : ICommand
private readonly Action executeAction;

public Command(Action executeAction)
this.executeAction = executeAction;

public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
return true;

public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;

public void Execute(object parameter)
// no more black magic

Change in InvoiceViewModel is instantiation of Saver command and execution action for the specific command.

 public ICommand SaveCommand
if (saveCommand == null)
saveCommand = new Command(ExecuteAction);
return saveCommand;
set { saveCommand = value; }

private void ExecuteAction()
DisplayMessage = string.Format("Thanks for creating invoice: {0} {1}", Invoice.Id, Invoice.Receiver);

This way internal knowledge of InvoiceViewModel remains in InvoiceViewModel and Command (ex-Saver) is view-model agnostic.

Now the sample is not only a good introduction, but also has some practicality in it. My 5 cents on the subject.

Sample code

Update 2011-01-12: I have addressed the null exception issue in part 2.

1 Comment

  • Hi Sean, Thanks for sharing this example. I agree much better.

    Can you take a look at one thing?
    When I run your example I get a null pointer in the PropertyOf class when running the app.

    I enter some data into the Id textbox, change focus, and then a NullPointer gets thrown (works for Receiver but I think there is some type issue with the int).

    Thx again, Jonathan

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