My back home story (Which lead me choose or to be in IT)
Who read articles written by me, saw me in aspnet forums, read my bolg or came to my .Net classes (some are free and other at some institutions) etc used to ask me about how I end up in IT? and my answer used to give interest to them and this week some one told me to blog the info to share with others!
I would think every one has a reason to choose the path of what they wanted to be! From early child hood days, I always used to think on how to do farming better or how can be a best teacher like my dad and I also used to wonder about the creation, nature etc (As my grand father always used to tell bed time stories on stars, humans existence on earth!).
After my 10th grade, my dad sent me to GWBASIC language/computer fundamentals summer class at Shrmik Vidhyapeet in my summer holidays! On 3rd day of the class teacher started teaching about 1, 0 and how binary system works. That totally diverted my mind to IT as this concept is almost similar to my native language poetic grammar!
If you want to know more about it and how it is related to my native language here it is!!
My native language is TELUGU (It is one of the south Indian language). The Telugu language poetic grammar represented by 1 or 0, meaning each letter is represented as a high node or low node. High node letter is represented as U (Guruvu) and low node letter is represented as I (Laguvu). It is like on and off (1 and 0). If we relate it to 1 and 0; 1 is equalent to U and 0 is equalent to I. Yes low node letter will be represented as I, but in computers it is represented as 0 (off).
For example if you take my name in my language it can be divided into 6 bits (6 letters), and each bit can be represented as either U or I. It will be as show below.
Is it interesting!! Yes, this concept is at least 5,000 year’s old one (Based on back dating, others say it is older than that)! Wait, not at over. To get the meaning of the sentence or to find the result, one (who know this logic) need to divide the sentence into 3 bit format! Each 3 bit has one symbol, by basing on that one can decode the meaning! My name can be divided into 3 bit format as below.
Is it interesting??? A 5,000 years old language has a 3 bit (3 letters) notation and each bit (letter) is represented in similar format as 1 or 0 (U or I). You might some times think who is still using 3 bit code? recent MARS rover sent a coded message, and it is in 3 bit format (!!
Any way, I guess I kind of little bit deviated from the main topic. Yes, certainly 1,0 (Binary) relation to my native language made me to think of choosing IT for this life J
Update: 5/24/2021 - From past 15 years repeatedly I receive query asking only 3bits being used. I used to skip this question, as the answer goes with combincation of science and phylosaphy. The clue to the answer is, rome built on how many hills?