Html5 Input Validation Presentation

Last week I gave a presentations to the 2011 UC Davis IT Security Symposium that covered input validation features in HTML5.  I mostly discussed the following three topics:

  1. New Html5 Input Types (like <input type=”email” />)
  2. Html5 Constraints (like <input type=”text” required maxlength=”8” />)
  3. Polyfills

The slides only cover part of the story since there are a few “live demos.”  You can find all of the demo code on my github repository  You’ll need ASP.NET Mvc 3 installed to run them.

The slides are also available in my GitHub repository, but I’ve also added them to slideshare as well because that’s what the cool kids do:

I believe the presentation was well received and most people learned something, so I just wanted to share.  When loading up the Html5 demo just click on the Html5 tab and go through each example. Enjoy!


[Examples from the Slides and Demos]






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