Update to my LINQ to SQL performance in VB.NET saga


If you have  read my posts before where I was complaining about VB generated sub optimal SQL when using nullable columns in your where clauses, I came to the conclusion I was being silly and not using .Value on those nullable fields in my queries.

I stumbled across this post today:


Looks like it was an issue in the end and not me being totally stupid :).





  • Aha, I just posted a reply your earlier post without reading this or the VB team blog entry first. So please ignore my earlier reply, even though it seems that I was right on the spot :)

  • Thanks mate,

    I wish I knew all this a month ago but as it would have saved me alot of grief, its always hard with new techs and the lack of info on some of these issues.

    I only came across that vb blog yesterday and that was my aha moment when I finally got confirmation that this was an issue like I had thought earlier but then dismissed it to being my stupidity. It is good to know that there will be a resolution in the end, I knew it would have been better to do this project in C# :) but what can you do.

    Where were you a month ago when this whole saga started hehe :P.....


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