jQuery and ASP.NET AJAX Demo Code

Thank you to everyone who came to my jQuery and ASP.NET AJAX PDC talk!  As promised, I've added a link to the demo code from the talk to this blog entry.

There are three separate downloads:

jQuery Demos -- Contains sample code that demonstrates how to use jQuery selectors, animations, and plug-ins.

PhotoGallery Application -- Contains a simple Photo Gallery application in which photos are fetched by making Ajax calls to a web service. Demonstrates using the new Client Side Templates features of ASP.NET AJAX.

MovieDatabase Application -- Contains an ASP.NET MVC application that uses jQuery and Ajax. Demonstrates how to build applications that support graceful degradation. This application works with both JavaScript enabled and JavaScript disabled.

And here's the Power Point from the talk:


Presentation -- Contains the Power Point presentation.

Finally, here is the link to the recorded talk at Channel 9:



Thanks again!


  • Wow, I never thought I would see jQuery tutorials on ASP.NET! I am so happy to see it. I have been doing a ton of work with ASP.NET and jQuery together and even threw together an animation library in ASP.NET that extends jQuery UI Effect. You can get it here.


    Kudos on the great jQuery samples Stephen. I made a shopping cart jQuery demo here:


  • The pic is nice... which brought me to your website.. den i read about you in the about section and found myself correct that you must be a philosopher... Nice to hear that.. As these days logical people are less and more geeks are there in this field... Anyway keep up the good work

  • Hi Stephen,

    Excellent, excellent presentation on ASP.NET & jQuery yesterday. I can honestly say that it was one of great presentations that I've attended at PDC so far. Thanks again.

    One question - the link to the PhotoGallery demo code doesn't seem to be there. Could you provide that as well? I would like to show your demo to some of the developers that I am working with.

    Thank you!


  • Stephen, link to second download (Photo gallery) is dead.
    Can you post your ppt too?

  • Does this use the mvc beta fom 15th oct?
    I keep getting the following error 'Could not load type 'System.Web.Routing.StopRoutingHandler' from assembly 'System.Web.Routing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.'

  • Do you by any chance have a recording (video) of the PDC talk? For the less fortunate of us who could not attend...

  • Apologies everyone for not getting the photo gallery code up -- I'm running into issues with my blog software. I hope to get the problem resolved soon.

  • @panjkov -- I added a link to the power point -- thanks for your interest!

  • @redsquare -- The sample code uses MVC Beta 1, the version that you can currently download from www.ASP.net/MVC. I suspect that the difference between your computer and mine is that I have Visual Studio Service Pack 1 installed. You don't need Service Pack 1 to use MVC. However, you will need to add references to each of the assemblies in the Program Files\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC Beta\Assemblies folder (and remove the references to the ones in the GAC).

  • Hi Stephen,

    Excellent, excellent presentation on ASP.NET & jQuery yesterday. I can honestly say that it was one of great presentations that I've attended at PDC so far. Thanks again.

    One question - the link to the PhotoGallery demo code doesn't seem to be there. Could you provide that as well? I would like to show your demo to some of the developers that I am working with.

    Thank you!


  • Stephen,

    I'm seeing this error on compile - It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.

    I can browse directly to the web - click on any of the 4 links - but nothing shows up - any clue?


  • @Doug -- Make sure that you open the website at the right folder level. The App_Data folder should be in the root of the website.

  • @Douglas -- Hi Douglas. Make sure that you use the HomeAjax version instead of the Home version. In other words, request /HomeAjax in your browser address bar to get the Ajax version of the application.

    Let me know if you still run into issues.

  • Hi,
    It's very helpful but i am getting Error PhotoService is undefined!!

    Is any other configuration settings to run this?


  • Hey Stephen, I tried the Visual Studio JQuery file today and it works great!
    Just wanted to say that Microsoft's approach to work with JQuery without forking it is really good news. It shows that Microsoft is really willing to work with the community and this will only bring more and more people to it's side.
    Great work!

  • i have just downloaded all your demos.but i really wondring why do we need script manager in all the page.. if its for pageLoad() event... jquery provides with the rich ready handler.. hope tats more than enough rather than downloading 19 js files using script manager

  • I'm getting this same error message which was mentioned by "goldenfish"-- has this been answered somewhere?


  • oops- forgot to mention error message is "PhotoService is undefined."

  • Stephen,
    Great presentation, Do you mind if I use your powerpoint to present your presentation at our (Rockville) .NET users group?

  • Hey, its nice.

  • If you get "PhotoService is undefined.", you might need to install .NET 3.5 Service Pack 1

  • @John -- Absolutely, please feel free to use my slides and demo code to present on jQuery!

  • Great, thanks for sharing

  • Jquery and asp net ajax demo code.. Tiptop :)

  • If information were soccer, this would be a gooooaol!

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