My most frequently used Resharper and VS.Net Shortcuts

1. Resharper 

ReSharper is a VS.Net Plug-in that gives you solution wide error analysis with lots of refactoring features.

I can say with confidence that my productivity has gone up after I started using this tool and completely addicted to it.

These are some of the shortcuts I regularly use. In version 4.5 some of these tasks have been given new shortcuts but the old one still works. 

(2.5): Shortcuts from Version 2.5

(4.5): Shortcuts from Version 4.5


Go To

Go to Type: Ctrl + N (2.5)  (or) Ctrl + T (4.5)

Go to File: Ctrl + Shift + N (2.5)  (or) Ctrl + Shift + T (4.5)

Go to Type declaration: Ctrl + Shift + T (2.5) (or)  Ctrl + Shift + F11

Go to File Member: Ctrl + F12

Go to next Error: F12  (2.5) (or) Shift + Alt + Page Down (4.5)

Go to Declaration: Ctrl + B (2.5) (or) F12 (4.5)

Go to Implementation (or Inheritor): Ctrl + Alt + B

Go to previous Error: Shift + F12 (2.5) (or) Shift + Alt + Page Up (4.5)

Recent Files: Ctrl + E (2.5) (or) Ctrl +, (4.5)

Locate in Solution Explorer: Shift + Alt + L

Go to Usages: Ctrl + Alt + F7

Find Usages (Window): Alt + F7


Coding Analysis

Alt + Enter:  For Quick fixes and context actions

Symbol Code Completion: Ctrl + Space

Move Code Up: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Up Arrow

Move Code Down: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Down Arrow

Extend Selection: Ctrl + w (2.5)  (or) Ctrl+ Alt + Right Arrow (4.5)

Shirt Selection: Ctrl+ Shift+ w(2.5)  (or) Ctrl + Alt+ Left Arrow (4.5)

Enable/Disable Code analysis in the current file: Ctrl + 8

Method information: Ctrl + Q



Refactor this: Ctrl + Shift + R

Rename: F2 (2.5) (or)  Ctrl + R, R (4.5)

Move Type or Member: F6 (2.5) (or)  Ctrl + R, O

Change signature: Ctrl + F6 (2.5) (or) Ctrl + R, S


Code Generation

Generate Code (Constructors, properties etc in class file): Alt + Ins

Create file from Template (Classes, Interfaces, folder in Solution Explorer): Alt + Ins

Insert Live Templates:  Ctrl + J (2.5) (or) Ctrl+E, L (4.5)

Surround with Live Templates: Ctrl + Alt + J (2.5) (or) Ctrl+E, U (4.5)


2. My favorite VS.Net Shortcuts



Go to last line of Location: Ctrl + minus

Go to next line of Location: Ctrl + Shift + minus

Code View: F7

Designer View: Shift + F7

Close the File: Ctrl + F4

Switch between Tabs: Ctrl + Tab


Code Formatting

Reformat the Code: Ctrl + K  Ctrl + F

Comment the Code: Ctrl + K Ctrl + C

Uncomment the Code: Ctrl + K Ctrl + U

Wrap the Code: Ctrl + R Ctrl + R (VS 2003) (or) Ctrl + E  Ctrl + E Ctrl + W (later) 

                 Since Ctrl + E is recent files in Resharper, I have set it to Ctrl + R Ctrl + W. Works in output window also

Select Text Vertically: Alt + Drag cursor



Breakpoint toggle: F9

Build: Ctrl + B

Run: F5

Step Over: F10

Step Into: F11

Step Out: Shift + F11

Run to Cursor: Ctrl + F10





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