IntelliSense for WiX .wxs files

[update 6/2/07]- This info probably still works, but is outdated by Votive, a VS package for WiX.



I recently started looking into WiX as a replacement tool to create the install kit for NatLink and Vocola. It's not that I want to make life more difficult, but Visual Studio .Net setup projects don't support features.

WiX of course does.

The problem is that Visual Studio, by default, doesn't recognize .wxs files as XML. The fix for that is the following

1) add to your registry


2) copy wix.xsd and wixloc.xsd from the WiX/doc directory to

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Common7\Packages\schemas\xml\

and provided you reference the WiX namespace at you'll get IntelliSense too.


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