Short MVP Links & More

Note: this entry has moved.


Microsoft is boosting MVPs visibility by launching an MVP Community site. This is cool. What is not so cool is the fact that if you’re an MVP and want to include a link to your bio on that site, for example as a signature for newsgroups posts, mailing lists, ect. you have to add around 200 extra chars because the URL produced by that site is huge; this is mine using the MS site URL:^~arg+Name=%22guid%22+Value=%22c451d24e-5397-405f-a0d4-ae797459ccd4%22/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^


Hopefully kzu has noticed this and quickly hacked up a handler to offer shorter URLs; mine now looks like this:


That’s about 180 chars shorter, now imagine the traffic the MVP Community site surely gets each day and try to count the saved bytes for each MVP profile link listed if they were using this format. Yes, @ ClariuS we take performance that seriously! :-)


I can see that Paul noticed this already.


Now, the “More” part of this post’s title


Dave Massy is working in the IE Team for almost a month now and already believes that he wouldn’t feel comfortable using any other browser. W-o-w. Dave, are you serious? Maybe you need to do some catching up of IE current status by downloading the latest bits and playing with them. I bet you won’t resist more than a day or two and will hurry up to download FireFox or any other updated browser.


NikhilKo is back to blogging!! His latest posts contain nothing but excellent inside stuff on the Whidbey bits. Go read them! :-) Now if we could just get ScottGu to start blogging again…

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