Vault NAnt Tasks

Brian Schkerke, Ryan Duffield, Robert Hurlbut and I put together a project to add Vault support to NAnt at Eric Sink was kind enough to provide a Vault server, but it dosen't allow public access. All the necessary commands necessary for integrating Vault into Draco are provided. Thanks to several of my developers for working on these tasks.

UPDATE: Eric Sink has made a guest account available for the Vault server at Get the Vault client install here: The repository is “Build_Tool_Integration”. Check it out.

UPDATE 2: On re-reading my post I realized that I made it sound like my team did most of the work, when in fact Brian Schkerke did the first implementation and we tweaked his code as well as adding one or two new tasks.

1 Comment

  • Blah, I'm surprised you could find your way around my code at all. :)

    I'm putting together an article for how to use our tasks to piece together an integrated build solution using NAnt, our tasks, and Vault. I hope to have it done today -- especially with the incredible increase in traffic on Vault List.

    One day I will finish this huge project at work and have much more time again to work on stuff like this. :)


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