Why is Software Hard?
I read an article recently that in part was asking the question, "why is software so hard?" They were using the statistics that 1/3 - 2/3 of all projects are late, over budget or canceled. Whether this is really any different in other industries is another article.
Session Variables are Globals Too
Since I'm on this rant about global variables I'd just like to point out that sessions are globals too - use them sparingly if at all. It is amazing the quality of product you can force yourself to create if you eliminate globals from your toolbelt.
Patterns for Replacing Global Variables - Reduce Scope of Global
The closest I can come to this one is Reduce Scope of Variable.
Patterns for Replacing Global Variables - Replace Global(s) with Singleton
Global Variables Considered Harmful
Prof. William Wulf and Mary Shaw wrote a paper of this title in 1973, although I couldn't find the original paper online I did find some references.
Version Control
I had such good responce to my original post on version control software I thought I'd risk posing the question to a wider audience again.
Project Organization
In reflecting on my previous post regarding shared libraries in VSS vs CVS I realized that the end of the post got to the real meat of the matter. Turns out we are using a feature of VSS to help us organize our shared libraries, however, shared libraries really have very little to do with version control (except for released versions of course).
Weblogs as Community
I know this has been talked about before, but this is the first time I have really experienced it. In my post on Moving to VSS I posed a question and got several answers in both comment and email form. When I posed the question I didn't really expect to much response, and I greatly appreciate those that did.
Spatial Thinker
Fun alternative quiz to see your "thinker" type. Seems pretty accurate considering the length of the quiz.
Issues Moving to CVS from VSS
We are considering moving from VSS to CVS but have run into some feature differences (i.e. sharing) that we currently rely on to distribute shared libraries to all dependant projects.
Looking into SOA
A while back I found the Enterprise Integration Patterns website and was please to see that someone out there has been putting some serious thought into this (and writing about it). Our intergration style is somewhere between Shared Database and Remote Procedure Invocation. I had come up with my own architecture that had some significant gaps which are being nicely filled in by Gregor and co.
The Prodigal Programmer
I've finally crawled out from under my pile of work. Many interesting things happening here.